IPUMS International regularly asks representatives of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) around the world to share their data with the research community. While IPUMS offers a license payment to countries for the right to redistribute microdata, NSO representatives are most interested in how sharing data with IPUMS will benefit the people of their countries. After 30 years of harmonizing data that NSOs have shared with us, IPUMS can indeed point to innovative research from data users all over the world, many at major universities in these partner countries. Directors of statistical offices, especially those with close ties to academia, are thrilled that the data are used for scholarly scientific production and for the purpose of educating the next generation. However, most of these leaders are much more interested in how data sharing leads to effective policy. And, they want examples. They are essentially asking how the data have been “used for good,” as the original IPUMS tagline, “Use it for good!” implores.

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IPUMS is certified by Core Trust Seal based on the Core Trustworthy Data Repositories Requirements. Learn more about the certification at coretrustseal.org.