Project Features Summary

 Data structureTemporal scopeGeographic scopeGeographic detailGIS filesCollection instrument
USAMicrodata1850 - presentU.S.1950-present: PUMA/county group, select counties, select metros 
1940 & earlier: County, city, ward
Separate download 
Decennial Census & ACS
NHGISAggregate1790 - presentU.S.1970-present:    Block (decennial census) or block group (ACS) 
1910-1960: Census tract 
Prior to 1910: County
Via extract system 
Decennial Census & ACS, also includes data from other sources
CDOHAggregate1976 - presentU.S.State, countyn/aDecennial Census & ACS, also includes data from other sources
InternationalMicrodata1787 - 1911; 
1960s - present
100+ countriesSecond administrative level1,2Separate download 
Population & housing censuses. Labor force surveys
IHGISAggregate1960s - present100+ countriesVaries by census. Typically second administrative level, some as fine as fifth level1Separate download 
Population & housing censuses. Agricultural censuses & surveys
CPSMicrodata1962 - presentU.S.State, metro, select counties, select citiesn/aMonthly labor force survey of households. Also includes rotating supplemental topics
Time UseMicrodata1930 - present19+ countriesU.S. samples: State, select counties, select metros 
International samples: Region (country-specific)
n/aATUS: Individual 24-hour time diary survey. 
AHTUS & MTUS: Time diary surveys.
NHISMicrodata1963 - presentU.S.Census region 
2001 & earlier: Large metros
n/aAnnual survey of health for the civilian, noninstitutionalized population. 2018 and earlier: information collected about all household members; 2019-forward: information collected for one randomly selected adult and child per household.
MEPSMicrodata1996 - presentU.S.Census regionn/aHealth and medical expenditure short panel survey for the civilian, noninstitutionalized population. Sampling frame is households responding to the previous year’s NHIS interview.
DHSMicrodata1980s - 202351 countriesFirst administrative level1,3Separate download 
Survey of women of childbearing age, includes information on their young children and births. Also covers all members of randomly sampled households and, in many cases, adult men.
MICSMicrodata2005-present80+ countriesFirst administrative leveln/aCollection instrument: Survey of women of childbearing age, men of similar ages, children age 0-4, and children age 5-17. Also covers all members of randomly sampled households.
PMAMicrodata2010s - present10+ countriesFirst administrative level1,4Separate download 
Surveys of women of childbearing age and their households. Associated surveys of family planning and other health service delivery points.
HigherEdMicrodata1993 - 2013U.S.Nonen/aSurveys of college and doctoral graduates, focused on science and engineering (STEM) workforce.
TerraMicrodata, Aggregate, Raster1960s - present100+ countriesSecond administrative level1,2Via extract systemPopulation & housing censuses. Raster data from satellite imagery, weather stations, and other sources.

1 Administrative levels represent the sub-national units into which countries are divided. They are usually hierarchical, with second level units nesting within first level parent units. For example, in the United States, states are first level administrative units and counties are second level administrative units.

2 In IPUMS International and IPUMS Terra, administrative units may be regionalized for confidentiality purposes. Units that have populations smaller than a designated threshold, usually 20,000 people, are combined with neighboring unit(s) to create a regionalized unit that is above the population threshold.

3IPUMS DHS also provides contextual variables summarizing characteristics of a 5-10 kilometer radius around each respondent's sample cluster and linking codes enabling users to attach contextual variables constructed from IPUMS International at the second administrative level. The DHS data themselves are not representative at these finer scales.

4 Many IPUMS PMA samples cover only selected portions of the country. A few samples include second administrative level detail.