IPUMS MICS: Version 1.1

Anna Bolgrien, Elizabeth Heger Boyle, Matthew Sobek, Miriam L. King. IPUMS MICS: Version 1.1 [Harmonization Code]. Minneapolis, MN: IPUMS, 2024. https://doi.org/10.18128/D082.V1.1


IPUMS MICS is a harmonized data collection of Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) collected by UNICEF. IPUMS MICS facilitates comparative research across time and countries. It consists of individual-level and household-level microdata collected through household, female, child, men, and adolescent surveys. IPUMS MICS adds value to the original MICS samples in the following ways: variables are coded consistently across countries and over time; web-based search and discovery tools display variable availability across surveys; documentation is organized on a cross-survey, variable-specific basis; and researchers can identify samples and variables to include in a customized data extract, at no cost.


IPUMS MICS does not disseminate MICS data files. Archived version of the harmonization code are stored in fixed format files with accompanying documentation and set-up files. Please contact ipums@umn.edu.


IPUMS MICS harmonization code is continually revised. We archive annual snapshots. The changes made to Version 1.1 occurred between 1-11-2024 and 8-23- on 2024 the current revisions page